The word " environment" ( English : Environment ) is composed of two words. The "cover" which is around us is the "cover" that surrounds us. Environment is the collective unit of all physical, chemical and biological factors that affect any biological or ecological population and decides their form, life and life.
In general, it is a unit created from the set of all biological and inorganic elements, facts, processes and events affecting our lives. This is rampant around us and every event of our life is edited inside it and we humans also influence this environment with all our actions. Thus there is also interdependence relationship between an organism and its environment.
In the biological components of the environment, from micro- organisms to insects, all creatures and plants are present, along with all the biological activities and processes associated with them. Inorganic components, the life-element and its associated processes come, such as: rocks , mountains, rivers, air and climate elements etc.
Introduction :
Generally the environment is defined in the context of human beings and humans are declared a different unit and all other things occupied around it are declared its environment. But here it is also important that there are many human civilizations on this earth, who do not consider themselves separate from the environment and in their eyes all nature is the same entity. Whose man is also a part. Virtually humans who are different from the environment are technologically advanced and are able to make significant changes in their natural conditions due to widespread use of science and technology .
On the basis of human intervention, the environment is divided into two blocks - natural or natural environment and man-made environment . However, there is nowhere to be a completely natural environment (where human intervention has not happened at all) or a full-fledged man-made environment (in which everything is man-made). This division is merely an indicator of the abundance and scarcity of human interference in natural processes and conditions. Ecology and environmental geography using natural environment write Habitat is also the (habitat).
With the technical objective of human life and achieving the objectives of luxury in life, extensive manipulative activities with nature have destroyed the balance of the natural environment , causing distress on the existence of natural order or system. These types of problems are called environmental degradation.
Environmental problems such as pollution , climate change, etc. are encouraging humans to reconsider their lifestyle and now discuss environmental protection and environmental management . How much human is capable of reducing the loss due to scientific and technological changes made by him, how much attention is being given to the environment in the confrontation of economic and political interests and how much humanity is aware of its environment; Today's vivid questions are there.
Nomination :
The word environment is made up of Sanskrit language's 'affair' (surrounded) and 'cover', which means a set of things that are enclosed by a person or organism around it. In ecology and geography, this word is used as the synonym of the English environment .
The English word environment itself was used much later in the meaning of the above ecology and it was used in the early period for the common conditions surrounding. It is derived from the French language where it was used in the meaning of "state of being environed" (see environ + -ment) and its first known use was used by Carlyle to express the meaning of the German word Umgebung in French .
Knowledge of the environment :
Today the environment is a necessary question rather a vivid issue, but today people have no awareness about it. Except rural society, even in cosmopolitan life it is not particularly keen. As a result, environmental protection has become a mere government agenda. While it is a question of very close relationship with the whole society. Unless there is a natural attachment between people, environmental protection will remain a distant dream.
The direct connection to the environment is from nature. In our environment, we find all kinds of animals, plants and other living things. They all make the environment together. Different branches of science like physics, chemistry and biology, Etc. The fundamental principles of the subject and the related experimental subjects are studied. But today's requirement is to emphasize the practical knowledge related to the environment as well as the practical knowledge related to it. Modern society should be given the education of problems related to the environment at a broader level. Also, information about preventive measures to deal with it is also necessary. In today's mechanical era we are going through such a situation. Pollution is standing in front of us to destroy the entire environment in the form of a curse. The entire world is going through a serious challenge. Although we have a lack of environment related textile but there is no shortage of reference material. In fact, there is a need to make the knowledge available to the environment relevant to the environment so that the public can easily understand the problem. It is necessary for the society to realize its duty and obligation in such a heinous situation. this Environmental awareness can be created in the type society. Actually, both living and non-living entities form together the nature. Air, water and land come in non-living areas, whereas living creatures are formed in conjunction with animals and plants. An important relationship between these components is that they depend on their life-sustaining relationships. Although the human being is the most conscious and sensitive person in the biosphere, however, it relies on other animals, plants, air, water and land to meet their needs. The organisms found in the environment of human beings form the structure of plants, air, water and land. Water and land come in non-living areas, whereas living creatures are formed in conjunction with animals and plants. An important relationship between these components is that they depend on their life-sustaining relationships. Although the human being is the most conscious and sensitive person in the biosphere, however, it relies on other animals, plants, air, water and land to meet their needs. The organisms found in the environment of human beings form the structure of plants, air, water and land. Water and land come in non-living areas, whereas living creatures are formed in conjunction with animals and plants. An important relationship between these components is that they depend on their life-sustaining relationships. Although the human being is the most conscious and sensitive person in the biosphere, however, it relies on other animals, plants, air, water and land to meet their needs. The organisms found in the environment of human beings form the structure of plants, air, water and land.
Knowledge of education through education is a powerful tool for the multifaceted development of human life. Its main objective is to bring physical, mental, social, cultural and spiritual wisdom and maturity within the individual. Knowledge of the natural environment is very important to fulfill the objectives of education. The tradition of knowledge about the natural environment has been from the beginning in Indian culture. But in today's materialistic era the circumstances are going to be different. On the one hand, there are new inventions in different areas of science and technology. On the other hand, the human environment is also affected by the same speed. It is necessary for the next generation to be aware of the changes happening in the environment through education. By acquiring knowledge of the interconnections of environment and education, one can do many important functions in this direction. Environment is deeply related to science, But there is no scientific intricacies in her education. The learners should be taught nature and ecological knowledge in simple and simple language. Initially, this knowledge should only be in the introductory form in a superficial manner. Further technical aspects should be considered. Knowledge of environment in the field of education is essential for human security.
Environment and Ecology :
Environment is a unit in its entirety in which the inorganic and biological constituents are interconnected and interconnected by various interactions between themselves. Its characteristic gives it a form of ecosystem , because ecosystem or ecosystem is an interconnected set of all organic and inorganic elements in any area of the Earth. So the environment is also a ecosystem.
The largest ecosystem biosphere is considered by the scale on Earth . The biosphere is the part of the Earth in which the organisms are found and it is occupied in the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. The entire terrestrial environment has also been composed of these units, so in these sense the global environment, biosphere and terrestrial ecosystems are synonymous with each other.
It is believed that the current composition of the Earth's atmosphere and the current amount of oxygen in it is not only the reason of life on earth but also the result. Photosynthesis, which is a biological (or ecological or biospheric) process, has been an important process affecting the formation of Earth's atmosphere. Thus the ideology attached to devise a unit earth rendered or perceive as living earth (living earth).
Similarly, the study of the effect of observation on humans and the effects of human impact on humans is the key study point of human ecology and human geography .
Environmental problems :
* See also: Pollution and Climate Change
Most environmental problems are associated with environmental degradation and the increase in human population and the consumption of resources by humans. All environmental changes that occur in the environment under environmental degradation are undesirable and threaten life and sustainability in a particular region or throughout the earth. Hence , under this, pollution , climate change , erosion of biodiversity and other natural disasters are included. Along with environmental degradation, the increase in exponential rates in population and the changing patterns of human consumption are the root causes of almost all environmental problems.
Resource mitigation :
Resource mitigation means tapping natural resources by humans so fast for their economic benefits that their natural processes do not get replenishment. In the current perspective, the impact of population pressure, rapid growth rates and consumption pattern of people for processing degradation is also considered to be responsible. Resources are divided into two classes - Renewable resources and non-renewable resources . Apart from this, some resources are available in sufficient quantities that they can not decay, they are called renewable resources such as solar energy .
Rapid exploitation of non-renewable resources can lead to difficult situations for human life by eliminating their reserves. The construction of the reserves of coal, petroleum, or precious minerals is a long-term phenomenon, and the speed at which humans are exploiting them will end one day. On the other hand, some renewable resources are also being used by humans so fast that their natural processes are not as fast as possible to recharge, and thus they will also be in the category of non-renewable resources.
Pollution :
Pollution or environmental pollution is the entry of any substance (solid, liquid or gas) or energy (heat, sound, radioactivity, etc.) in the environment if its speed is so sharp that its deflection, depletion, dissociation, recycling by normal and natural processes Or can not be protected in harmless form. Thus there are two clear indications of pollution, entering the environment of any substance or energy and harmful or unwanted to its natural environment. This kind of unwanted element is called pollutant or pollutant.

Pollution is classified based on the type of pollutant, source or part of ecosystem that it enters. For example air pollution , water pollution , soil pollution, etc., are determined on this basis that in this part of the ecosystem the admission of the pollutant is entered. On the other hand, radioactive pollution, light pollution, noise or noise pollution etc. are classified based on the type of pollutant itself.
=== Climate change === In our lives, we have seen a lot of changes. Water is one of the changes in the water due to the change in air. The weather changes on the earth, we have a lot of benefit from the weather. Can not be grown and neither can man be able to spend life in one season All the jivas stripe needs the weather. We also have the benefit of climate change, because the loss is also
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